Monday, October 2, 2017

Birthday Ball

I had dreams of throwing a regency ball for my 30th birthday, and with some help that's just what I did! Sorry this post has been overdue for two years now, but hey it was just my birthday so I thought I'd pretend I'm only 30 again!

It was my dream to have all my friends and family sit together at one table, fortunately my house has the perfect space for this!

I did it!  I squeezed them all in! I think we had 29 people at this table!

Thank goodness the people who designed this house decided to line up both the formal dining area and the breakfast nook.

And before you ask, NO I did not make all this food. We opted to get catering from our favorite local pub - The Olde Ship. It was delicious!

My view down the never ending table! 

To make the room more spacious we flipped the couch around. No one was going to watch tv... 😉

My reenactor friends loved and excuse to dress up! And even my friends who don't reenact dressed up festively!

My mom bought me a cake from Nothing Bunt Cakes, but we needed to decorate it. I just put the finishing touches on it! 

I have my wonderful cousin Jamie (on the right) to thank for introducing me to my two closest friends Rebekah and Meghan! I usually spend time with them separately but I love an excuse to all get together!

My wonderful mom and dad came over early to help me get everything ready. 

The archery range was open for those who wanted to shoot. 

My new birthday arbor looked great in the garden. 

Baby Evalyn even came to the party! At the time she was the newest grandbaby at only 2 months old!

The tall guys! (Cousin Ben, Dad, and brother Donny)

You can't have a ball without dancing! We asked our favorite dance instructor Judee to come teach and everyone had a wonderful time! 

Don't forget it's Ben's birthday too!

Grammy loving holding her 1st granddaughter!

 Ben's dad with wife Kris, brother Gene with girlfriend (at the time, now fiancee) Wei-Lin.

Fabulous reenacting friends David, Jack and Helga! 

It was a splendid night!  Thank you to all my friends who joined in and humored me by dressing up!

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