Monday, March 3, 2014

Lion King Baby Shower

After attending three showers in a row it was my privileged to get to host one for my best friend from college!  Her nursery is going to be Lion King themed so I jumped on board the theme bandwagon!

To welcome our guest we put out tiki torches.  It rained terribly the day before but luckily we were treated to very light rain on the day of the shower!

I made this wreath to welcome our guests and let them know they didn't have to ring the doorbell they were welcome to come on in! Click here to read how to make it!

In the entryway we had this Welcome sign (designed by Ben), and our reception table.

Our party favors were on the table along with some mints.

We had touches of Lion King everywhere, even on the front mirror!

These are a few of our homemade medallions. Here is how I made them.

The decor even stretched down the hallway...

The piano was decorated too, with these pretty seasonal flowers and a custom made frame of baby and his/her parents.

On the other side of the piano another lion!

We turned the tv stand and coffee table into our gift area, covering them with a table cloth, decorating it with matching table decor, and hanging jungle medallions.

Here is a nice big shot of the room, we were prepared to host 22 people so we had three dining tables set up.

On the fireplace we displayed this adorable diaper cake the my friend Jen made.

Here are some of the center pieces, you can read all about them here.

Even the bookcase got a jungle makeover! Learn how I easily made these crepe paper vines here.

Ben helped me build this awesome watering hole tiki beverage bar! Here are the instructions if you want to make this faux thatch roof this too!

We served up ice tea, jungle juice punch, and water.

My grandmother's hutch was very useful in serving up our appetizers. I decorated it with paper flowers I picked up at the Dollar Tree!

There were all sorts of yummy things to eat: veggie platter, zebra bonbon cookies, meat and cheese platter, and a pineapple cheese spread!

Jen expertly made these yummy bonbon cookies!

She also found a cool recipe for this pineapple on pinterest, so of course we had to try it!

What jungle party is complete without vines and grubs???

Here are some of my aweome co-hostesses hard at work in the kitchen!

We decided to personally plate all the food and deliver it to our guests.  Lunch was a croissant with chicken salad, strawberry spinach salad and fruit ca-bobs!

Jen made these fruit ca-bobs, aren't they awesome with their animal skewers!?!?!

Our secret to the food was that we set up folding tables in the garage and plated and covered them up ahead of time!  It was so nice an chilly out there they didn't need refrigeration for the hour that they waited!

When it was time to eat our two little friends had to wait outside, I think they knew what was going on...

Dessert was homemade zebra cupcakes with fondant animals.  I had some awesome friends help me make all the animals, I think they turned out so good!

I also made some fruit and pudding parfaits for our guests.

We chose not to do any silly or embarrassing games, instead we had three paper games that Ben custom designed and printed for me.  I'll be sharing with you free versions coming up soon.

Here is the beautiful mommy to be!  She flew down for the weekend so all of her gifts had to be small and easy to pack in a suitcase.

This is team baby shower!  Jen, Me, Taryne (the mom) and Kristen!

At the end of the shower we sent our guests off with these yummy lion cookie favors made by Jen!

This was such a fun shower to put together!  It was wonderful seeing my good friend Taryne and working with these awesome girls to pull it all off!

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