Ben's mom sweetly offered to host the party in her backyard and we excitedly took her up on her offer. She had the yard all ready to go and even set up all the tables for us! The original plan was to just do a "small" party, I'm not sure where this got blown out of control. But my excuse is that we have a lot of immediate family...
I baked this strawberry cake from scratch and used real strawberries to get that pretty pink! Since I began to run out of time I sadly had to cheat and use store bought fondant for the circles. It was a lot of work, but it was so delicious! I highly recommend this recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction.
These cupcakes were vegan chocolate cupcakes were for my vegan family members - I heard they tasted really good! I used this recipe from Oh How She Glows.
Carolyn's 1st Trip to Disney ears made an appearance!
And her Minnie Mouse got the seat of honor!

Uncle Chris was awesome and helped us with the set-up.
Grandmo was very clever and set up this beach tent for the kids to play in.
We had rides galore in the wagon and toy car!
And at dinner time Carolyn insisted on having Minnie sit with her at the table.
There was a cute moment when Grammy went to eat her burger and it was missing. We were looking all around when all of a sudden we discovered that Edward had it, he had thought she made it for him, so cute! Of course he got to eat it...
Time for presents, I don't think Carolyn remembered what this meant at first...
Her cousins were eager to help her!
Oh party chaos, you gotta love it!
More Minnie Mouse!
My mom was a big help too!
She definitely remembered what cake time meant!
And she was ready to blow out her candles!
I love how Uncle Daniel captured the crazy paparazzi in this picture!
Did I mention that her favorite food is strawberries? Yeah, she liked the cake...
It was a wonderful "small" party with just our family. We loved celebrating our sweet little Carolyn!
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