I was blessed this year to have to amazingly creative ladies in charge of thinking up of all the decorating ideas, they did such a great job! We had such a great time turning the church sanctuary into a forest with waterfall. To keep costs down for our decoration budget we borrowed most of the decorations, even the boat.
To make these tree stump stools Ben spray painted big hardware store buckets. And the fire is made from colored table cloths wrapped around a tiny pink tree!
This was our Bible Story Telling area.
Ben made the rocks by crumpling paper boxes and spray painting them.
Fun fact: Carolyn's 1st VBS was when she was only 3 weeks old! So of course, as usual she was a part of the action!

Our hallway was decorated with more plastic table cloths cut to look like trees and tents. My amazing decorator lady hand cut out all of those leaves!!!
As VBS director I had to be the person on the microphone talking to the kids at the beginning and end of the day, not my favorite job as I'd much rather be teaching a lesson or running a game, but it the end it is always a special time getting to hear from the kids about what they learned and how they grew each day.
What's church without some singing???
Every day Ben, or "Chad Raftington" as he was known as, would interrupt us with his silly antics. He actually wrote these little skits himself and the kids loved to see what crazy thing he'd do each day!
My favorite thing about this curriculum was how much it focused on scripture! I loved how the kids were learning how to look up verses in the Bible and memorize them.
They also got to hear the Bible stories and then act them out!
Don't mind the historical accuracy of our costumes, we let them enjoy the costume box...
I loved that this VBS had actual crafts and each day they really tied into the theme!
And as an added blessing, I got to be the one to sit down with them at snack time and have a deep discussions. Oh how I treasured this time!!!
These Teddy Grams are crossing the Jordan river and their way to the Promised Land!
Lucky Carolyn even had Grammy come one day to take her to her music class, so she was spoiled with both grandmothers!
Carolyn can't wait till she's old enough to be a real camper!
Have you ever volunteered with your VBS? What amazing lessons have you learned from those sweet little ones? If you haven't, you need to next year! I don't want to hear excuses, take some half-days from work and get in there, you won't regret it!
My girls loved VBS this year and so did the big 10 year old too!! This was the first year of VBS for 4 year old Gigi and she still is talking about it. We visit a friend's church for VBS during the summer and they do the quest VBS programs and it is so much fun. I love that they do a worship service 2 times each day and there is a very strong message of salvation. Loved that you shared your VBS experience with us!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your girls had such a great time! VBS is such a special time for the kids and the adults that are a part of it! :)