Here come the kids!
It was so sweet how Priscilla wanted to hold Carolyn's hand and lead her around. Because you know, she's an old pro now...
Carolyn is not amused at the amount of pictures I make her pose for.
The day before Easter we helped our children's department put on a Easter Egg Hunt Celebration. It was wonderful seeing how many people came to this event!
Ten years ago I made friends with a girl named Becky at my singles group at church. Now our daughters are sharing the chair coloring together. Life is so beautiful!
All the kids ages 0-3 getting ready for their hunt! We had two more hunts for the bigger kids.
Carolyn loved opening up every single egg she found to discover what was inside!
The next day was Easter morning! Carolyn was excited to find the basket with treats inside for her! Of course she actually had gotten a preview the night before when she woke up and came out to find mommy and daddy in the family room...
We had a house guest for Easter, her name is Shelby and she is best friends with Teddy. She earned an A+ for being good with kids! Don't worry I did not get Carolyn real eggs, those are plastic eggs, they kind of feel like ping pong balls, that are meant for decorating. I gave them to Carolyn for her little kitchen.
Time to get dressed in your Easter Sunday best!
And then go outside and test some of the goodies that were in the basket!
We ate breakfast at church because some of the girls from our youth group we're doing a fundraiser for their mission trip this summer.
I love our church so much because we really are like a family that always helps each other out!
Mmmm yummy pancakes!
Carolyn loves these girls so much!
Children's moment with Pastor Eric.
After church we were off to Grandmo's house for our family celebration.

Ben's mom had a fun activity for the kids to dye eggs using colored rice in baggies.
It was so wonderful that my sister in law Lindsay's family was able to join us too!
Our newest sister in law was there with her brother and best friend.
I was determined to get a picture of all the cousins together. This is the best one that I got ...
The guys dubbed this the "high" chair.
We took the kids out front to play with Grandmo's fairy garden while the guys hid the Easter eggs. While we were out front some friends arrived to join the fun!
Then I really got crazy and tried to take a picture of ALL the kids!
Egg hunt time!
I'm not sure which uncle made this sign, but they had a long time to wait before somebody finally picked it up.
Since the kids were so young we decided to put small toys and stickers in their Easter eggs instead of candy. They loved it!

Here Grandmo, you do it!
Carolyn and Emma looks so cute in their matching Easter dresses. They are only 4 months apart in age...
Do you know what goes great with pretty Easter dresses? Dirt!
More matching business going on!
Not more pictures!
GTA (Grandpa the Artist) gives good rides!
My mom just loves giving her grandkids gifts. You can tell that her love language is gift giving...
Love my parents!
Peek a boo!
We call her mighty mouse!
Grandmo thought of lots of fun activities to do, like popping bubble wrap!
And playing in a homemade playhouse!
Easter was such a wonderful time for us to celebrate Jesus and the blessing of the family he has given us. I hope that you had a wonderful Easter celebration too!
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