Tuesday, March 13, 2018

My Favorite Things - Baking Edition

I started blogging because I enjoyed reading other people's blogs and wanted to share my own experiences with the world. Lately something I've been enjoying about other folk's blogs has been their favorite things recommendations. Not every product is something I want or need but it really has opened my eyes to lots of neat and helpful things out there. Without further ado, I bring you the things that I'm loving too!

I started in the kitchen (where many a mom spends her time) and tools that I have to say I love and really appreciate having. In no particular order they are:

Wilton Bake Even Strips
These things are so awesome, they help your cake bake nice and evenly reducing the giant mound that usually forms in the middle of the cake! I was first introduced to them by the instructor in a cake decorating class I took over 7 years ago. These purple ones are actually my second set, because after using them for 5 years they had begun to look a bit worn out. I may or may not have let them touch the oven rack a few times... The newer version comes in different sizes so you can mix and match based on your pan size and they slide together using loops like belt loops (the old version used large pins).

To use them you simply soak them in water before wrapping them around the pan.

I have been a Martha Stewart fan since I was a teenager! You'll never guess what Martha Stewart recommends using when you bake! Parchment paper! When I finally bought a box of this, I don't know why it took me so long, I realize just how wonderful it is! Let me tell you your cake will come right out of the pan! I used to use aluminum foil to line the pans that I was cooking with in the oven, but I've learned that could have some unhealthful side effects. So now I use parchment paper! I even used it this weekend to help me smooth out my butter cream frosting on a birthday cake! this stuff it has so many uses! 

KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer

I waited years and years to finally get my very own KitchenAid stand mixer! You can think Martha Stewart again for leading me towards this very one. She was featuring the stand mixers with glass bowls on her TV show and I fell in love! I remember being in college and watching her show with my roommate and we both would drool over how nice her stand mixers were. At the time I was using my hand me down handheld mixer on my grandmother. We both knew buying one of these was way out of our little college student budget. So I waited patiently until I could one day put it on my wedding registry. Even then I never expected anyone to buy it for me, but let me tell you if you collect all of the generous gift card you receive you will eventually have enough money to buy one! And that's just what I did! I absolutely love the shade of blue that I was able to get my stand mixer in and the glass bowl makes knowing if I mixed everything in completely so easy! 

Flex Edge Beater for Stand Mixers

This is a new addition to my kitchen! Again I learned about it from Martha Stewart many years ago. But for Christmas I finally put it on my wish list. This thing is amazing! It makes mixing batter so much easier! I still use a regular spatula to scrape the bowl down and sure everything is mixed in, but  I barely have to do it.

Cookie Scoop
Using a cookie scoop will revolutionize your experience with making cookies! I love, love, love having a cookie scoop! In fact this is actually my second one. Sadly my first one was a cheap one that had a problem with the gears and it broke. This one I've had great success with for several years though! I will say it is on the smaller side, so I think I need to upgrade my game and buy a larger too. I think I will be getting this one!

For the past two weeks these beautiful flowers have been on sale at Trader Joe's for less than $2! Needless to say I have been splurging and treating myself to a beautiful bouquet! I think you should too you will love having spring flowers in your home!

What are your favorite tools to use in the kitchen? I'm always looking for something new in handy!

**Disclaimer: Many of my favorite things are available on Amazon. I gave you a direct link to where you can find them. If you happen to be interested in purchasing one of them I would greatly appreciate if you purchased using my link, because then I will receive a small percentage of the purchase as a part of my partnership with Amazon, this helps support this stay at home mom.


  1. Wonderful favorite things! I love my kitchenaid as well. Daffodils are always a delightful welcome to spring for me as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  2. It's so nice to hear from you, thanks for stopping by!
