Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Baking Hack

A little while ago I decided I wanted to make a trifle using angel food cake. I found a box for it at the grocery store and figured it would be easy!

The box recipe was going along great until I got to the part where I wanted to make homemade whipped cream. You pour heavy whipping cream into the chilled mixing bowl, along with other ingredients, and then stir on HIGH - it is splatter central!

I don't own one of those fancy splatter guards for my stand mixer, but I quickly improvised one and that's what I'm here to share with you, my genius splatter guard!

Drum-roll please........................................................................................ Cling Wrap!!!

Yes that's right! I'm guessing that just about everyone has a box of this stuff in their kitchen drawer! Just pull out a nice big piece (or two if you need it) and wrap it around the stand mixer before mixing that soupy mess!

Can you imagine all of this being splattered all over the counter??? It worked so well, I only had a little bit of splattering out the back where it didn't wrap!

I baked two loaf pans AND one bunt pan worth of angel food cake.

Chopped up the loaf pans worth of angel food cake and layered in the whipped cream along with fresh fruit.

Then I donned the top with my bunt pan of cake and some more fruit and powdered sugar.

I hope this helps you in your baking endeavors! You can check out more of my Tips and Tricks here.
Do you have any kitchen hacks to share? I'm always looking for some good tips and tricks!

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