Thursday, March 15, 2018

Vegan Vanilla Cake with Chai Frosting

It was my sister in laws birthday last weekend and she recently has decided to become a vegan. Having lots of previous experience cooking and baking for a vegan friend I volunteered to bake the birthday cake!

After lots of Pinterest searching I came across this amazing recipe by The Almond Eater and we both decided that this was the cake to make! I'm not going to post the cake directly here because that would be stealing her awesome work but you can click this link to go get the recipe yourself. I followed it almost to a T except I used a different type of butter. My grocery store does not sell Earth Balance, although I have purchased it at a different store and really do like it. But they did have a new butter called Melt and I decided to give it a try! It's made using coconut oil and it definitely does have a coconut taste. I decided this would work well in this instance because coconut and chai are friends!

Everybody loved the cake and the frosting too! And as I predicted they did go well together! I think this is probably the moistest cake I've ever made it was so soft and delicious. If you are in need of a vegan cake recipe I highly recommend it.

To celebrate her birthday we all went out to eat at a restaurant called the Veggie Grill, they have wonderful food. Then we went back to my parents house and had cake and presents. And lots of fun with lots of little ones running around! 

By far my favorite photo of the night!

I am so lucky that the Lord blessed me with Lindsay as my sister in law! I love having her as my special sister that I can confide in and share all sorts of mommy experiences with! Happy birthday Lindsay! 


  1. What a lovely post, my friend. And oh, doesn't that cake look beautiful AND delicious! Mmmm... I would love a slice.

    Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, your kind words mean so much to me!
