Thursday, September 15, 2016

4th of July 2016

I'm playing a little bit of catch-up here, since it's now September and I'm only just now getting to the 4th of July, but hey the baby has kept us busy!  At 11 days old she celebrated her first holiday!

We all got dressed up for the occasion!  Of course some are more excited about it than others...

And some just wear themselves out with excitement...

But we had to have a family photo to commemorate it!

I also had fun with a little photo shoot.  Just four days before Carolyn was born I took the photo on the left!

And Grammy got her first picture with all 3 of her grandchildren!

You have no idea the stockpile of baby sleeping on daddy photos I have accumulated!

Speaking of Daddy, my dad BBQ'd up some awesome dinner!

More fun with cousins!  Exciting isn't it???

This was my brother and sister in law's first time getting to meet their new niece.
And super exciting news, they are expecting another daughter in October - eeeee!!!
More little girl cousins to play with!!!

Hoping you all had a wonderful Independence Day!

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