Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Announcing the Arrival of Carolyn Grace

The apple of my eye has arrived!  She has made my heart swell so much more than I ever could have known!

I have always wanted to be a mother, and over the past few years that desire has grown stronger and stronger.  This beautiful little girl is the answer to my prayers!

I can't believe the way she has stolen my heart.  My eyes start tearing up every time I think of how wonderful she is.

 These pictures were taken at our little home photo shoot when she was 5 days old.

Crazy Loni wanted to take some bare butt photos, and did not heed Ben's warning.  Much to his dismay she pooped all over his goat skin!  Luckily natural fur cleans up well!  Just look at that sweet little innocent face; you have no idea what a mess she can make!

Thank you Lord for this most wonderful gift!

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