Monday, September 19, 2016

1st Trip to the Getty & the Beach

At only 1 month old we took Carolyn to the Getty and to the beach!  We're very lucky to have a great friend who's 2nd cousin has a house in Santa Monica.  For the past two summers she's invited Rebekah to stay at her house when she's out of town and she's allowed to invite friends! So Cool!!!

The house we stayed at had a beautiful garden so we took advantage of it and did a little photo shoot with our little sweet pea!

I had never visited the Getty before so this was a mother/daughter 1st! It was sooooo neat! They had an interactive children's exhibit and were even having a children's concert on the lawn! We definitely need to come back again when Carolyn is older and can really appreciate it!

Our little outing champion!

The next day we were off to the beach!  Daddy makes a great pack mule!

Rebekah is so good with her!

Daddy and Rebekah went boogie-boarding while mom and baby stayed in the shade.

I think I'm in heaven, because it doesn't get any better than this!

I wanted so badly to let her little toes touch the water, but this proved to be quite the challenge as I would panic that the waves were too big every time they came in...

We are so lucky to have such amazing beaches, museums and best of all our friend Rebekah in our life!

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