Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Family Thanksgiving

Our family Thanksgiving celebration this year was a small intimate one at our house.  This was my first time hosting a family holiday and I was super excited!  It went off without a hitch either!  My grandparents, parents and brother came over and we ate an early dinner.

After all of those table setting ideas I ended up combining two ideas together and using my home made table runner, you can check it out here, to set our table.

I stole the leaf garland from the mantle and then added my original candle sticks.

I didn't "need" to use my large beverage server but I love it so much that I just had to take the opportunity!

I baked the pumpkin pie (left) and my mom supplied the mince pie (right, it's my Grandpa's favorite)!

Here we have the ladies, from left to right: Grandma, me, and my mom!

My brother Donny is the BEST doggy uncle!
Dad gave turkey carving lessons to the guys while the dog watched hungrily!

Together my mom and I prepared all of the food!

Just some proud chefs posing with their accomplishment!

Our small, little gathering.

And because everyone is doing it, here is my dinner plate!

My Grandpa's birthday was coming up so we took the opportunity to sing the fun song to him!

Afterwards Ben and I headed over to his Dad's condo to spend the evening with the brothers.

We had a great time Skyping with his Grandma, who happens to be very tech savy!

Dad is so cool that he needs his shades on at night!

Grandma was lucky not to be able to smell through the computer (and so are you) because there were some obnoxious odors coming out of Gene!

Dad had a good turnout, almost all the brothers (and girlfriends too) came!

I wish I could take credit for these amazing Pumpkin Woopie Pies, maybe next year I'll try making some!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family too!

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