Monday, May 21, 2018

Pirate Days 2018

This weekend Ben and our crew headed down to San Diego for The Maritime Museum's Pirate Days festival. We had a lot of fun hanging out aboard the HMS Surprise and attempting to press the pirates into the naval service. As I went through all my photos I realized I didn't get a single one with an actual pirate in it though!

This was a new event for us to attend and we thought it would be fun for another recently formed group the OC Jollyboats to join in too. We were so glad that they came! 

Carolyn took the helm for awhile and kept us all safe and sound! 

She also wasn't charge of the cannons.

And inspected all areas of the ship top to bottom! 

Then we went to visit the Maritime Museum's latest ship in the fleet, the San Salvador, and while we were there met a real mermaid!

What's an event without a new family photo?

Here we have just your average father and daughter playing in the park.

For dinner we shocked people all over San Diego as we paraded ourselves down the street to a local pub.

I was delighted to get to watch the royal wedding at the pub! Matt, not so much...

Here's hoping that you had a great weekend too! 

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