Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mother's Day 2018

Another Mother's Day has come and gone and I thought I'd share some of the fun pictures with you!

A recent tradition has to been to go out to lunch with my mom and dad to celebrate and then go over to visit my grandmother. We had a very nice time visiting with them. My grandmother is 91 and my only living grandparent, we cherish every visit we have with her!  

After that we love to go over and Ben's mom too! We're very lucky that the drive is not very far. We had a nice little visit that included a walk to the park where it appeared many other families had the same idea! 

Carolyn's Mother's Day gift to her grandmothers was a custom watercolor painting! I had Ben print "I Love You Grandma" on good paper on his work printers (using toner instead of ink jet) so that it wouldn't bleed when it got wet. 

Carolyn is quite the little artist! She chose her own color to paint with.

She also loved rinsing out her paintbrush between colors!

Hhmmm which part of the paper shall I paint on next?


Such precision with every stroke!

She does an excellent job of keeping the paint on the paper too!

Now in honor of keeping it real here on the blog I'd like to share what was on my heart.  Sometimes it's hard when we compare our lives with others. I found myself on Facebook reading about all of my friends' amazing Mother's Day experiences and somehow became disappointed because I did not have a full day of pampering the way that my other friends did. From the moment I got up it was rush rush rush to get out the door, I made the breakfast, got the kid dressed and hustled everybody's booties into the car. By the end of the day I found myself running a fever and feeling quite sick. Not the glamorous Mother's Day that I was looking forward to. After a little bit of self wallowing I gave myself a little smack smack in the face because I realized how silly I had been! I had a fabulous Mother's Day; I got to see my own mother and grandmother whom I love very much! I got to see Ben's mom whom I love very much too! And we had a wonderful time together! Isn't this what Mother's Day is all about? Spending time with your mother and your kids!

I am such a lucky gal, I have such a wonderful husband who is an excellent father to our little girl! He even thoughtfully gave me my card and gift the day before because he realized how rushed Mother's Day would be.

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day and spent it loving on your mom or other important women in your life!

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