Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Very Special Doggy Birthday

We have a very special Rat Terrier in our family, his name is Hunter.  This dog get the royal treatment around my parent's house and he just turned 13!  Sadly this will be Hunter's last birthday with us, as he was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  That's why we decided to throw him an extra special birthday party!

Hunter had to wait patiently until it was time to start the party; in order to keep him from sneaking a peek at his gifts we kept them out of paws reach.

My mom created photo collages of Hunter through the years.

We all bought Hunter lots of gifts and wrapped them in doggy friendly wrapping.

There was no shortage of cameras to document the special day.

Those eyes are begging for the fun to begin.

But not until we posed for some pictures with Mom and Dad and niece Lucy.

And of course brother Donny and sister Loni (me).

Then we let the shred-fest begin!

Hunter was very good about sharing his gifts with Lucy.

We even had a pinata game!

You may notice Lucy has begun to participate a lot more in the festivities compared to birthday parties past.

Hunter received quite a lot of treats this year, I don't think he's complaining.

Look at that mess!!!

There were even birthday cupcake treats!  Which Lucy hid in the dog bed for Hunter to find later, so thoughtful!

What's a birthday without cake!?!?!?

My mom baked Hunter a special dog cake!

Hunter just knew the cake was for him!!!

Once the cake was brought out, there was no hope for posing for pictures.

Just like all kids, he went for the icing first!

Ben sweetly took a family shot for our very eccentric family.

This was one birthday we won't forget!

Do you celebrate your pets birthdays?  Hunter has always been a bunch of fun to celebrate since he really gets into the par-tay spirit.  We've talked about giving Lucy a party, maybe now that she has shown more excitement we will.

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