Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July 2013

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!  Ben and I had a fantastic time splashing in the pool and watching fireworks with the family!
We started our day off by watching our new town's parade, so cute!

We even got to see our new church go by on their float!

We live close to the parade route, so instead of driving we decided to bike over!  Lucy even came too!

I made these yummy rice-crispy treats to share with the family.

Then we went over to my cousin Jamie's house to swim in her pool.  This was her son Aaron's 1st Independence Day!

What happens when you put two Bens together?  The Moose!

The little boys greatly enjoyed being thrown into the pool by team Ben.

Then we were off to another cousin's house to watch the fireworks, their house was right by the park where they set them off so we had the perfect seats!

What did you do this 4th of July?  Hoping you had some quality time with those that you love!

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