Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July Rice Treats

This is my Pinterest success from the 4th of July!

I saw the idea at Lewisville Love and knew this had to be what I brought to the 4th of July potluck!  It was super easy, just make your rice crispy treats following the instructions on the box.  I wanted a lot, so I made four batches!

If you like your treats nice and gooey, then make sure NOT to over-microwave the marshmallows like I did on my first batch.  See how liquidy they are!  They still turned out okay, just a little more on the crunchy side.

I decided to make some the easy way by adding sprinkles, they stick better if you add the sprinkles right away.

My talented Ben decided to take the honors of painting on the flags.  We watered down the food coloring and used brand new paint brushes, that we washed prior to use of course. 

He decided that a crosshatch pattern would work best for making the stars.


I was worried people wouldn't like eating the food coloring, but these babies went faster than the sprinkle version!

There was no shortage of American pride on my plate!

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