Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas in the Apartment

We are waiting a little bit longer to bring home our tree (don't want a crispy/dried out tree on Christmas now do we?) so you must wait a bit longer to see how we've decorated the house!  But I thought I'd show you how we decorated the last two years in the apartment!

The first year we had the tree on the wall next to the TV and the Christmas village on the counter/bar.  The next year (as you will see below) we had gained a free piano and the village moved atop it.

I really really really wanted a fire place, therefore I played my pretend fire on the TV all the time!

I inherited this adorable village from my Grannie who brought it home one year from South Dakota.  As a teenager it was my job to set it up for her on top of the tv cabinet, so it brings back many memories setting it up each year.

We usually buy a 3-5ft noble fir and set it on a hat box to make it taller!

This is what happens when you have a Ben in your life, you find tiny tanks hiding in your tree!

The following year (due to the piano) we relocated the tree to be next to the futon.  I would like to point out the beautifully handmade quilt on the futon, which was loving made by Ben's Grandma!

Last year I scored this beautiful angel tree topper at JoAnn's on sale!

Lucy loves sitting by the tree - just not having her picture taken...

Happy decorating!!!  Pictures of the current house all decorated up are soon to come!

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