Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween Costumes Past

If you haven't started thinking of it yet, it is time to start thinking of your Halloween costume this year!  Even though I am not attending any costume parties this year I love thinking about fun costume ideas and reflecting on past homemade costumes that I have done.

Watch out, Lucy may put a curse on you!

And without further ado here are some of my favorites:

Mary Poppins and Bert the Chimney Sweep

The Adventurering Duo & The Local Native Dog

and last year we were from the movie The Princess Bride
Princess Buttercup and The Dread Pirate Roberts (Wesley)

 The dogs LOVE dressing up and taking pictures too! Just kidding!

Happy Costume Planning!!!!


  1. I love your costumes!! I just want to know why Native Lucy wasn't at the Adventure Party? :)
    p.s. This is Meghan, in case I never told you that...

  2. Thanks Meghan! Native Lucy made her debut at that Halloween party the first year I had her, as we discovered that evening (and at the 1st St. Valentine's Day Massacre Party) she gets very nervous around large groups of people. We didn't want to scare her and were worried she might take off at the party... But she looks darn cute her little costume, so it was a bummer not to show her off!
