Friday, April 12, 2019

Easter Front Porch Decor

I love changing up my decorations for each holiday, so it should be no surprise that I include Easter in this. The inside of my house is lightly sprinkled with Easter fun, but it was time to add some to my front porch!

Every fall I used to make my husband loan me one of the hay bales from his archery range, finally he decided to just give it to me, thanks honey! So my starting point was my permanent hay bale, but if you have a bench that would look quite cute too, and my crate and lantern that have been staying year round also lately. You can see how I first added them this fall and decorated them here and again for Christmas here.

We live on a tight one income budget, so I have to be creative about my decorations, that's why I love shopping at the Dollar Tree (this is not sponsored, I just go there way too much). This is my haul from my trip:
  • 2 bags of large metallic eggs
  • 2 sprigs of greenery
  • 2 springs of pink flowers
  • 1 roll of metallic basket filler
  • 1 burlap bunny
I started by spreading out the faux floral branches and overlapping my green with my pink.

So they look like this:

Then I put my first bundle upside down in the lantern.

The next bundle will go right side up.

I also added some of the metallic eggs, but at this point it just didn't look quite full enough.

Instead of going to the store to buy more flowers, I decided to stuff some of the clear packaging in the back of the lantern to help the flowers stay up and make it look more full. No one will ever see the back of my lantern so this is a handy hack.

 Much better!

The next step was the crate. I unwound the roll of metallic basket filler until I had enough fluff, I literally left the rest of it still on the roll and just tucked it under. When it's time to clean this all up it will make it much easier to roll it back up and pack away. Add a few eggs and the bunny and I'm done!

This whole set-up took me around 5 minutes to do, even with my sweet 2 year old helping!

Now my front porch is bright and cheerful, ready for Easter! I'm quite happy with the way it came out and the fact that it only cost me $8 to do it.

Previously I've also shared how I've decorated inside my house for Easter, here are some of my favorite ideas:

I did a little poll on my Instagram Stories and asked "Have you started decorating for Easter yet?" I couldn't believe it, the answer was 100% no! Why not??? I like to enjoy the bright colors for at least a few weeks! That was a few days ago, and with Easter a little over a week away I hope you feel inspired to bring some bright colors to your house in preparation of celebrating this special day!


  1. So pretty! I love the burlap bunny.
    Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty link Party. Pinned.

  2. Using the clear packaging to make the lantern look full is a great idea! Thanks for the tip.
