Friday, November 16, 2018

Cheater Store Bought Thanksgiving Crafts

I love doing crafts with my daughter, but sometimes I tire of having to think up ideas, or find the perfect idea on Pinterest. So for the sake of just doing something fun I will impulse buy a craft at the store. I bought these two little Thanksgiving craft kits at the craft store thinking they would be fun and easy, one was, the other wasn't. Can you guess which is which?

The answer is the Cornucopia was great and the Turkey was terrible!!!!

I did the cornucopia first and we had a nice afternoon together. I forget what the recommend age level was on the package but I knew that with my assistance she would be able to do it - they are just stickers afterall. I punched out the shapes from their foam sheets and peeled the backs, Carolyn stuck them on the horn of plenty. The only directions I gave her were where to put pumpkins. I also stuck the centers on the flowers before giving her the assembled flowers to add. Does it look like the perfect picture? No. Did we both enjoy doing together? Yes!

Now, for that deceitful turkey! On the surface it appeared to be just as simple, but that's a lie! I noticed there was a pattern in the feathers and I thought this would be a great opportunity to practice making a simple pattern. So I punched the shapes out but did not remove the backings, that way we could fix any mistakes.

Immediately things went downhill. To my horror I discovered the feathers were all different sizes and even angled for the left and right side!!! I can handle having things not placed perfectly, but the rest of that I couldn't handle! So of course I needed to step in and help, and even as an adult this was frustrating. Meanwhile my husband was in the kitchen behind me trying not to explode with laughter at my frustration. OCD mommy much??? Of course, at this point I did notice that the package said ages +5. Excuse me packaging people, I think this craft needs a much higher age number!

I mean seriously, they actually left out the orange piece in the middle for the head - but I didn't realize that till halfway through when I finally looked at the picture...

We did it though, and again I peeled the backings and allowed her to place them (following the pattern of course). And she enjoyed doing this craft too, although I'll admit I lost her attention when I was knee deep in precise pattern determination.

Success!!!! And it looks super cute!

Carolyn was so proud of her projects!

After all this, would I do it again? The coreocopia yes! The turkey - egh maybe, but only becuase it's cute... Lesson learned, don't just impulse buy, examine the package more carefully!

Have you ever had a craft go south? Share your funny stories with, I love to read them!

1 comment:

  1. They did come out cute but I hear you on getting frustrated with "simple" projects that turn out to be not so simple. Thanks for sharing with us at the happy Holiday linky party. Pinned.
