Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Back to Work Sack Lunches for Grown-Ups

I've heard that the kids are back in school and parents everywhere are rejoicing. Hopefully by now you have your game plan in place for making the kids lunches. But what about for you? Do you have something yummy and healthy to eat for lunch? I want to share with you what Ben and I always love making for our lunches.

Our two favorite dishes to make are teriyaki bowls and fajita bowls. To make these super convenient we have a couple of time saving tricks that we take care of on the weekend. 

Trick #1: We make a big batch of brown rice, enough for all of the bowls that we will need (1/2cup uncooked per person, per day.)

Trick #2: We pre-cook all of the chicken breast ahead of time. Typically this means Ben will barbecue up a family pack of fresh chicken breast from the grocery store on Sunday night using different seasonings, such as fajita or teriyaki. On this barbecue night we typically eat fresh fajitas right off the grill for dinner. And I love this because now I have pre-cooked chicken to incorporate in several of my dinners for the week too. 

Recipe for Teriyaki Bowl:

  • 1 Cup Brown rice cooked
  • 1 chicken breast chopped 
  • 1 cup Frozen Stir Fry mix
  • 1 small travel container of teriyaki sauce
Layer the ingredients into a microwave safe container: rice on bottom, then chicken, then veggies, keeping the teriyaki sauce separate. Store in the refrigerator until ready to eat. To reheat put in microwave and cook on have power for 5 minutes. After removing from microwave add your teriyaki sauce.

Recipe for Fajita Bowl:
  • 1 Cup Brown rice cooked
  • 1 chicken breast chopped 
  • 1/2 cup Frozen Bell Pepper Mix
  • 1/4 cup Frozen Corn
  • 1/4 cup Black Beans (We ran out so they are not visible in the picture)
  • 2 tbsp Lime Juice
  • Fresh Cilantro
Layer the ingredients into a microwave safe container; rice on bottom, then chicken, then veggies, drizzle the lime juice on top and garnish with cilantro. Store in the refrigerator until ready to eat. To reheat put in microwave and cook on have power for 5 minutes.

Seriously guys that's it, these meals are so easy to prep and have ready for the whole week! In the picture below I only had to make 3 because I had enough leftover chicken and supplies from the week before to get us through Tuesday. That means it was fajitas for dinner on Tuesday night! 

This is what my fridge looks like; the big container on the bottom left is the chicken, next to it is the rice and on top are my 3 lunches for Ben. I of course no longer need sack lunches packed since I stay home with Carolyn...

We always try to eat healthy and are also always on the lookout for yummy new recipes to try! What do you make for lunch? 


  1. These all look so yummy. Great ideas for picnics with the grands too. So glad I came by for a visit. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Excellent idea, my daughter loves this too! Thanks for visiting! :)

  2. These are genius! love the use of frozen vegetables. Such a huge time Nd money saver!

    1. Thanks! We were super excited when we figured it out too! :)

  3. What great lunches for grown ups. I will sure be using these ideas for my husband who takes his lunch everyday. Hope you are having a great week and thank you so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen

  4. Sounds delicious! Hubby is retired now, but these sure would be wonderful!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. Oh these look good and I have just started having to have lunches at work. These are perfect lunch ideas for me! Thankyou! #openslather
