Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Instant Pot Steam Hack

Do you own an instant pot? If you don't, what are you waiting for? I put one on my wish list for my birthday this past year and have been loving using it, thanks Mom! Although I have a lot of counter space in my kitchen I am restricted on where I can put my instant pot. You see you need to keep your instant pot plugged in and all of my outlets coincidentally happen to be under cabinets! The problem here is the steam!

This is my problem area! If I want my Instant Pot facing forward so I can push the buttons and read the timer then the steam release ends up directly underneath my cabinet doors! My previous solution was to turn the whole thing around after setting my timer, but this wasn't that great of a solution because I could never read the time on the display.

If you don't own an Instant Pot you may be wondering what I'm talking about, basically this is an electronic pressure cooker. The device builds up pressure and in order to open it you have to release this pressure/steam by flipping this little valve in the back. 

I belong to an Instant Pot group on Facebook and one of the other girls share this awesome solution! Behold the PVC elbow pipe! When Ben was running to the hardware store one day I asked him to pick me up one, it was quite affordable! If you don't feel like going to the hardware store you can always pick one up on Amazon here

Check it out in action! All I do is flip the release valve and then set it on top and point it to the center of the room.

It works like a dream! Just be careful not to set it on top of the red float valve.

Do you have any good tips or tricks? I'm always on the lookout for ways to improve things around the house! 

**Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link with Amazon. If you happen to be interested in purchasing something I have shared I would greatly appreciate if you purchased using my link, because then I will receive a small percentage of the purchase as a part of my partnership with Amazon, this helps support this stay at home mom.


  1. I love my instapot - but this is always a huge problem! What a great solution!

  2. I just pinned your post this is great! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. I'm so glad you like it! I use it every time I use my Instant Pot. :)

  3. To guard against steam condensing onto cabinets, just put a teatowel onto the steam valveas it vents, problem sorted!
