Friday, January 2, 2015

Christmas Celebrations 2014

We had a wonderful Christmas celebration with friends, family and dogs.

A week before Christmas we held an all day movie marathon.  It started with a few of my cousins coming over with their cute little kids to play for a little bit before nap time.

I love my cousin Jamie so much, when I was a kid I would imagine she was my sister.  It kinda works, right! ;-)

We told everyone to come in their comfy clothes, some people took this very seriously!

Part of our fun included archery between movies.

We also baked some sugar cookies.

And of course we had to decorate them...

The day came to a close with gingerbread house making (minus the gingerbread, we cheated and used gram crackers).

Lucy was so tired by the end she fell over!

On Christmas day Lucy couldn't wait to try on the sweater that Santa Paws brought her!

Teddy also wanted to look good so he put on this tie...

My sweet mom and dad were very generous!

My brother Donny brought over his sweet little puppies, he's quite popular with the dogs as you can tell.

As is tradition we had to take a picture of all the "kids" in front of the stockings.

I epically failed at taking pictures over at Ben's Dad place and his Mom's house so you'll just have to imagine all the fun there! ;-)  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family!

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