Saturday, December 20, 2014

Feeding the Tree

Do you struggle with feeding your tree?  It has always been a struggle for me.  I would try a big water pitcher but it wouldn't fit, so then I'd use water bottles but I'd have to refill - all while climbing under the tree.  When Ben and I were at the tree lot we saw a tool for sale that would make feeding the tree a whole lot easier, and of course we agreed that we could make that!

All you need are a funnel and a pvc pipe that the funnel fits into snuggly.  We had both items on hand already so this project was free.

You can use some glue to attach them permanently, but we want ours to disassemble after Christmas so we didn't glue it and it still works fine.

Then just stick it through the branches of your tree and water it.  Ben wants to make a green one next year so we can leave it in.

Free and easy, two of my favorite things!

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