Monday, October 13, 2014

Audrey's 1st Birthday - Under the Big Top

My cousin's first baby just turned one and she had the cutest circus party!

When you first walked through the door you were greeted with this adorable sight.

I just loved the large cutout character they had!  The kids loved all the noses.

All the tables were set-up with balloons and animals you'd see at the circus.

Inside was the yummy buffet, and it too matched the theme!

The big top tent outside had all sorts of sweet treats!

Proud daddy with his little girl.

It was a warm day in September so they had out a splash table for the little kids to play with.

Of course planned activities are never as good as messing with the tortoise.

Audrey's cousin Aaron has the sweetest little smile!

Oooo ballons!

Mom and dad brought the big girl her cake...

...which she loved destroying!

This was such an adorable party for such a sweet little girl!  1st birthdays are such a special day, I know the child will not remember but one day she'll love looking at the fun pictures and know how much love and thought went into making it a special day for her! 

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