Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tea-riffic Cups Gift

Recently I was teaching a long-term substitute assignment in preschool with some awesome ladies. When my time was up I wanted to give them each a gift to let the know how I felt, so I came up with these fun cups for them.

I went out shopping and picked up some plastic mason jar-esk cups, some fun ribbon and two types of instant tea.

I divided the teas up between the cups.

And I created the little tags on my computer using a simple clip-art.

Then all I had to do was cut two slits above and below the heart - where I would stick the straw through.

To make them individualized (especially since it might get confusing with all 3 in the same classroom) I wrote each ladies' name on her cup with puffy paint.  Totally took me back to the 90's!

Not too bad for free-hand!

Tied the cute ribbon around it and called it done!

I sure miss those girls, they were a great team to work with!  Luckily I've moved onto another wonderful school site to keep me happy and motivated!

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