Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Little Something to Contain the Pencils

I'm currently subbing in a preschool sdc class and needed a little something for my desk to keep all those crazy pencils in line!

The supplies for this craft were simple and easy: blank pencil cup, washi tape and sharpies.

The awesome container came from the dollar spot at Target, sweet I know!

I bought some washi tape around a year ago and had yet to use it, when I came home with my new pencil cup I knew this was the project for it!  I gathered some fun colored sharpies and was ready to go.

I wrapped the washi tape around the top and bottom edges - the best part is, if you mess up it is super easy to remove and reapply.

Then I just had to decide what to write on all four sides.

One side said my name, Mrs. ____ (but you're not allowed to see that), the other three said supply names: Pens, Markers and Pencils.

One does not simply walk into the Target Dollar Spot and leave with a single item.  Since I'm spending a few weeks in the same class it felt like having my own class - so I went a little crazy...  Oops.

I love simple fun projects like this! Not sure where the cup will live in a few weeks, but I'm sure one day it will find another home.

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