Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Visiting Ben's Gram in Connecticut 2014

As part of our trip we decided that we HAD to go visit Ben's Gram who lives up the coast in Connecticut.

We were told that since we were driving right by Philadelphia we had to stop and get a Philly Cheese Steak, not by just one person but by SEVERAL.  So we obediently did!

Yum yum!

The walls across the street were beautifully painted with famous people's portraits.

Fat Zone is right!  I can't imagine eating one of these everyday, in fact Ben and I split a sandwich because they were so big!

Upon arrival we were greeted by Chloe, who had somehow managed to lose her pants!

I don't think she'll ever want to go back to that groomer again!

After church on Sunday we went for a hike in the People's Forest, it was stunning!

This is Penny, she LOVES water!  Now that is my type of dog!

Gram is a great hiker!  Here she is with Ben's cousin Sadie.

This is a charcoal mound, you burn it to make the charcoal.  Another one of those things I've taken for granted and never thought about how it was made...

I had such a great time with Ben's family!  This is us with his Aunt Barbara and her husband Chuck, Gram and Sadie.  Oh yes, and Puppy Penny too!

After working up an appetite we went to the local pizza place and I got to meet more of Ben's awesome family!  This is me next to his Aunt Carrie, Gram, Aunt Barbara, Uncle Bill, Uncle Chuck hiding in the corner, Sadie, Aunt Barbara and you know that handsome man in the front...

We also were excited to meet Gram's sister Pudge (it's a nickname) and her husband Teddy!

Gram also took us for a drive around everyone's favorite place in the summertime, the local lake.

I would love so much to have a house on this lake!

To conclude our driving tour around town we stopped by Ben's Dad's childhood house!  It's so special to see these places!

Of course upon arrival back at Gram's house we were greeted with this site.  In my head I could hear the shrill voice of Mrs. Weasley (from Harry Potter) saying, "Where HAVE you BEEN????"

It was so wonderful to be able to have the opportunity to visit Ben's family back East.  They are the nicest and most welcoming people and I feel so blessed to be a part of their family!  I hope you have the opportunity to visit family too!

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