Saturday, May 10, 2014

Seder Dinner 2014

Our wonderful friend Rebekah invited us to attend her family Seder dinner.  She has a Jewish family background but the family are all strong Christians.  This was the most amazing and interesting evening, I learned so much about the Jewish heritage and how it does tie into Christianity!
The family was expecting lots of guests so they set up their living room in a "u" shape.

At everyone's place setting was a name tag.

This is the place of honor for the eldest male in the family (Rebekah's brother) and a seat to stay open for Elijah when he comes.

The special plate with all of the important foods.

There was LOTS of matzah!

They even had grape juice that came from Israel!

Some of the family and guests together before we started.

Some more...  You might recognized the man on the right (Ben), next to him are Rebekah and Kevin.

There are a lot of important things to be said, so it is common to have a book printed with all the verses.  Rebekah compiled this special book for her family that is for a Messianic Celebration (recognizing that we identify Elijah as Jesus and that he is coming again).

Rebekah's wonderful mom lit the candles.

And her brother led the ceremony.

At one point we were told to relax and get comfortable; Ben really enjoyed this part.

My matzah, charoset and ten (there were 10, I think I just cropped off some of the others) drops of grape juice to represent the 10 plagues.

After we went through the rituals we ate dinner, it was a wonderful potluck brought by everyone!

We also had a delicious dessert!

Check out that chocolate coconut matzah!

The ladies!

The gentlemen!

Had to show off the yamakas!

If you have not attended a Seder yet, I highly recommend it!  I learned so much about the Jewish faith and had such a great time!  Shalom!

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