Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fruit and Pudding Parfait Recipe

I knew going into the baby shower that not everyone would want to eat a cupcake, so I wanted to have a healthy dessert option for those who were thus inclined.  Enter my version of a fruit parfait!

Some parfaits are made with yogurt, some with cream; mine was made with White Chocolate Pudding!  I whipped up four boxes of this yummy stuff with low fat milk.

I put an ice cream scoop's worth in the bottom of my cup.  Then I layered the fruit in between, starting with blue berries.  I bought the big box at Costco, along with strawberries and black berries.

Add more pudding...

Repeat process with more fruit, next is strawberries then blackberries.  For the strawberries I cut them up into quarters so that they would be bite-sized.

I made enough so that everyone could have a guilty treat (cupcake) and an innocent treat if they pleased.  Do you have a favorite parfait recipe?  I'm always looking for new healthy treats to make and share!

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