Friday, March 28, 2014

Jungle Table Setting

This awesome table setting was a combination of efforts between my friend Jen and myself.  Together I think we totally rocked it the look we were going for - Lion King in the Jungle!

I started with real fabric table cloths that I picked up for $15 each at Home Goods.  No plastic table cloths here, we wanted the real deal!  Then I found these awesome leaves on Amazon (originally I found them at Oriental Trading Company but Amazon had a better deal and I signed up for Prime so I received free shipping).

You can get the same leaves here, they're a great deal!

I spread them out on my table along with some of the other items we were thinking about using.

The next item were these cute mini terracotta pots I found 3 for $1 at The Dollar Tree.

I planted marigolds and begonias.

Then I spread them out on the table and used my lion as a stand in for the center piece.  I liked the way it looked, so they got to stay!  Jen was making the center pieces so they wouldn't arrive till the day before the shower.

When the centerpieces did arrive they looked awesome!  She made them with a potted plant wrapped in animal print paper and raffia.  She planted onion grass on top and embellished them with Lion King figurines!

She also had glued animal print ribbons around glass vases and we filled them with animal cookies.

These center pieces were fun yet I felt they didn't over do it and block the conversation between people sitting across each other at the table.  I love having such an awesome person to plan decorating with!

1 comment:

  1. Is the potted plant called onion grass? If not, what is it? Love the whole decor btw.
