Monday, December 30, 2013

Our Christmas 2013

We had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family.

We started our festivities Christmas Eve over at Ben's Dad's place.  What's Christmas without a unicorn?  (I honestly have no idea where the unicorn came from or why, but it was quite entertaining)

There was also a "grabber" which in this picture is being used to retrieve grapes - not the most successful retrieval I might add.

Teddy moved in on another comfortable lap with Ben's brother and his girlfriend.  Look closely and you might see the elusive unicorn again!

There were silly faces.

And blue hair!

The next morning, Christmas Day, we spent over at my parent's house.  Things were a bit calmer...  See how Teddy patiently waits for presents to be opened.

Completely unplanned my mom and I gave Dad and Ben matching gifts!

Things were so calm that Lucy even fell asleep in her new dog bed!

Of course she woke back up when she heard it was time to open stockings!

And waited so patiently while many pictures were taken!

Teddy made out like a bandit!  New squeaky dog and bandanna!

The excitement built as the treats Santapaws brought were opened!

Did I mention they were stinky?  The stinkier the better for doggies!

No coal in Lucy's stocking, she's been a "mostly" good girl!

After all that excitement its time to recharge the ol' batteries!

After that we were off to Christmas at Ben's Mom's house!  Check out all the brothers and significant others!

The exciting gift this year was the gas masks that were received!  Can you guess which one is Ben?

Of course with this new breathing protection there were lots of fart jokes floating around...

Our Christmas was full of lots of laughs and good memories.  I hope you had a wonderful time with your family and friends also!

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