Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jen and Orlando's Wedding

This weekend Ben and I attended our special friends Jen and Orlando's wedding.  It was such a beautiful affair!

The wedding was at the Oak Creek Golf Club in Irvine.  Normally I'm not a huge fan of weddings at golf courses, but this was not your standard banquet room wedding!

Orlando is an amazing musician, so instead of having a guest book we signed a guitar!

At the beginning of the ceremony they had adorable siblings carry down two lanterns and place them at the end of the isle.  More on the lanterns later.

I loved the soft white drapes on the pergola.

Such a handsome and wonderful couple!  They've known each other for over 16 years!

Instead of a ring bearer they had a federal agent guarding the rings!

Another unique idea, instead of a unity candle/sand/etc they build a cross!  It is held together by three pegs, representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

We found our table assignments on tags hanging on a tree!

Others' tags were set in this desert landscape.

My favorite flower is the Stargazer Lily, needless to say I loved the centerpieces that Jen made herself!!!

I didn't find out who made this sign, but I absolutely loved it!

The couple had a dessert bar full of treats made by family members (sorry they went so fast I didn't get a picture of them) but I did snap one of the beautiful cutting cake!


The beautiful lanterns represented their loved ones who had passed and joined us in spirit.

Me with my hot hubby!

It was the perfect day!  For a wedding in August it was pleasantly warm with the most beautiful skies!

I just loved the way Jen's veil draped over her arm as she danced with her new husband!

We have a tradition of always posing for a picture with the happy couple!

I've never been to a wedding with a photo booth, this was so much fun!

Congratulations Jen and Orlando!  We couldn't be happier for the two of you!

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