Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Easy Cardboard Picket Fence Decoration

Sometimes you just need a faux picket fence!

As I was setting up my trial beverage/hor'dourve table for Easter, I realized that it was missing something. Something light in color to lighten up the brick chimney.  White to match the serving tray. Picket fences are white!

I grabbed an extra box from the garage and positioned it to where the fence would go to make sure it was the right height.

Ben is my go-to guy for all things involving cardboard, he quickly cut the verticle pieces out of the box.

Then he cut the corners off of one side of each rectangle to make the tips of the pickets at the top.

The edge of the box cut down nicely to make the supporting rails.

We then hot-glued it all together and tested it in place to make sure we liked the height.

Last but not least the paint.  All picket fences are white, right?  Well we went with the stereo type and painted it white...

It was just the right thing for the backdrop of our Easter beverage table!

What is your secret for decorating the beverage/food table?  I'm always looking for clever ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Its a beautiful Picket Fence design it look more attractive and elegant as well.

    White Picket Fence
