Friday, May 4, 2012

Puppy Party Hats

If you're going to party like a dog, then you need a good party hat!  For my friend's birthday we made just that!  Graphic Designer Husband (GDH) for the win again!  He quickly whipped these out on Adobe Illustrator, and made them into PDF's for easy printing for the rest of us...

They are available on my Printables page.

All you need to do is convince your dog that it is cool to wear them!

Sometimes that can be easier said than done...

"Ggggrrrrrr, puppies are so annoying!" growls Lucy.

"I said I'm sorry," whines Isabel.

Lucy says, "Are we done yet???"

Even though the dogs didn't love the hats, the birthday girl was quite happy with her party guests!

Of course if the dog won't wear it, you can always have humans wear them...

To make your very own, just go to my Printables page or click above to print out a copy. The template creates two hats.  Just cut them out and roll them like a cone.  We cut a rubber-band to the right length and taped it to the inside of the hat, so as to keep it on the dog's head. And viola, a puppy party hat!

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